Body-Solid customer Erin recently sent us photos and videos showing her 13-year-old Kyson diving headfirst in the weightlifting world!
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Erin and her family have a long history with fitness as Kyson’s dad worked out with a past winner of Mr. USA, Mr. America, and Mr. International, legendary bodybuilder Ralph Kroger. While Erin did weight training in high school and was once trained by IFBB Pro bodybuilder Rod Ketchens.
For the Strawn family, bodybuilding and weightlifting are in the blood.
Five years ago, Erin decided to bring the gym experience into their home and worked with Body-Solid dealer Peak Performance in Sioux City, Iowa, to make their dream a reality.

The result is a stunning home gym featuring a lat machine, Pro Clubline Leg Press, Pro Clubline Cable Crossover, Smith Machine, Calf Machine, Weight Plates, Dumbbells, and so much more.
As far as Kyson and his weightlifting future, only time will tell.
“He really enjoys it,” said Strawn. “He is constantly in the mirrors flexing and just loves it!”