Happy Monday! Okay, we're not happy about it either but we're glad you're here. Today we're going to look at research about the best type of sit-up, an innovative workout from Nick Nilsson, Captain America's Training Plan and of course, the Body-Solid Product of the Day.
The Best Kind of Sit-Up Is What You Think It Is
"It turns out, if you wantrock-hard abs, you’re going to have to get them the hard way."
Research from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse at the request of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found that despite numerous products like the Ab Circle Pro, Perfect Sit-Up and Ab Straps the greatest muscle activation came with classic crunches.
“It’s important, however, to keep in mind that there is no single abdominal exercise that challenges all the abdominal muscles in the most effective way and the best way to work the abs is with different types of exercises. For example, the plank exercise effectively engages the transverse abdominis, which plays an important role in spinal stabilization.”
View the full article at http://time.com/86095/the-best-sit-up-is-a-crunch/.
Lateral One-Arm Pull-Ups
This is a cool mash-up/hybrid move to try out during your next workout. It comes to us from BrinkZone.com, specifically author Nick Nilsson — The Laternal One-Arm Pull-Up.
"It’s essentially a mash-up between a chin-up, a pull-up and a human flag…all in one exercise."
To perform the move, you'll need a power rack. As you'll see from the photos, Nick is using our Powerline PPR200X Power Rack. Smart guy! Anyway, you'll need to set one of the rails/racking hooks as far up as they can go. Then you'll set the other side a couple of notches down to your bar is angled downards.
Grip the high end with an underhand grip, grip out wider to the side with a palms-forward grip and you're ready to go.
For more instructions or to read the full article visit http://www.brinkzone.com/exercise-performance/lateral-one-arm-pull-ups-killer-lat-exercise/
Captain America's Training Plan
Yes, you heard right… THE Captian America's training plan. Well, not really, instead Bodybuilding.com looked at actor Chris Evans' strict diet and training necessary to play the part of Captain America.
"Months of hard graft in the gym and a strict high-protein diet were the key to piling on the 30 pounds of size needed to realistically play a character who could stand tall among his fellow Avengers: Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man. "
See the exercise plan, fitness tips and diet at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/chris-evans-captain-america-training-plan.html
Body-Solid Product of the Day
GLPH1100 Plate-Loaded Leg Press & Hack Squat
Body-Solid engineers knew that the best way to build an explosive lower body, and stay that way, would be to make your workouts incredibly Powerful… Comfortable… and Safe.
As you work your quads, glutes, and calves, the engineered smoothness of the Leg Press/Hack Squat Machine spares your bones and joints. Three lockout positions are under the user's control throughout the exercises and provide user safety and the option of different start/stop positions.
Learn more about the GLPH1100 at http://www.bodysolid.com/Home/GLPH1100/Body-Solid_Leg_Press___Hack_Squat