It’s easy to forget through the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season—where credit cards are flying, gifts are being purchased—that this is also the season of giving.
Body-Solid recently helped the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School improve their on-campus fitness facility with new equipment, weight sets and activity trackers.

The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School
This donation—combined with a large capital campaign—allowed The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School (O-School) to incorporate physical wellness into its curriculum, giving each child the opportunity to release energy, reduce stress and strengthen the connection between body and mind.
The O-School provides young people, ages five to twenty, with a therapeutic and educational environment that recognizes their strengths and needs while challenging them to grow by achieving important developmental and behavioral outcomes.

The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School
Founded in 1915, the school received worldwide recognition under the leadership of previous school directors Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, Dr. Jacqui Sanders, and Dr. Betram Cohler.
Today it is under the direction of a dynamic team of professional staff that utilizes a wide variety of treatments in the care and support of students at the School.